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Planning Board Agenda 02/09/2009
Town of Buxton Planning Board

        February 9, 2009 at 7 pm
All meetings held at the Buxton Municipal Building at
        185 Portland Road, Buxton, Maine 04093

  • Call to Order
Projects Pending
*Blueberry Ridge  
*PMT Properties,
*Normand Berube    
   Builders, Inc
2.      Discussion of site walk for Robin Martin of 142 Depot Street who is requesting a conditional use permit to operate an in home day care; Tax Map 15, Lot 37A.

  • Jill & Gregory Roy of Raymond are requesting a conditional use permit for Animal Husbandry for 68 Cemetery Road, under sections 8, 10 and 11.3; Tax Map 2, Lot 36-5.
  • Pam & Shawn Randall of Westbrook are requesting a conditional use permit for Animal Husbandry for 3 Line Road.  To be reviewed under Articles 8, 10 and 11.3; Tax Map 2, Lot 36-5.
  • CEO Report:  
  • Approval of Minutes:  January 26, 2009
  • Approval of Bills:  
  • Communications:
  • Other Business:         
  • Adjourn by 10 p.m.